In this membership you will engage in a study of yourself.You will find an internal sense of equilibrium, access skeletal support and learn a palpable way to use ground force. So, that you can find a different composition of yourself and bring forth a regal upright version of yourself into the world.


Functional Integration lessons are flexible in their approach, determined by a persons needs. You may lie comfortably on a table designed specifically for the work, or do some of the lesson sitting or standing. As needed, I may also use various props to support your comfort, to make certain movements easier, or to clarify a movement.

Each Functional Integration lesson relates to a desire, intention, or need of the individual. The learning process is carried out without the use of any invasive or forceful procedure. Through rapport and respect for your abilities, qualities, and integrity. A session is tailored to an environment in which the individual can learn in safety and comfort. The lesson is developed, specifically for you, custom-tailored to the unique circumstances of that particular person, at that particular moment. Thus, a person learns how to reorganize their actions in new and more effective ways through the experience of comfort, enjoyment, and ease of movement.